Monday 14 November 2011

Figueroas Framework

Peter Figueroa is a sociologist who constructed a framework to explore how aspects of sociology (including levels of opportunity in sports) are viewed by and affect society. The framework is made up of five levels: Cultural; Structural; Institutional; Interpersonal and individual. These levels contain sub-categories that can be analysed and compared to 'womens participation in triathlons'. The cultural level contains issues acting as barriers to womens participation and competitive levels. These include: womens history in the sport and societies views; hegemonic masculinity and ethnic background. Barriers within the Structural level include media portrayal; sexploitation and sponsorship. Institutional levels barriers include: Womens and mens different sporting rules; Religious views on women in sport and poor school opportunity. A large barrier from within the Interpersonal level includes the role of possibly being a 'mother'. Barriers within the individual level are hard to pinpoint, as it really depends on the individuality of the athlete as to what barriers may arise. Everyone is unique.

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