Tuesday 15 November 2011

      One of the biggest barriers keeping women from participating in triathlons, which belongs to the Structural level in Figueroa’s Framework, is media influence and sexploitation. Women’s body image is becoming a large issue due to the unrealistic photo-shopped models in magazines and all over the internet. Upon an internet search of ‘triathlete’, the images that popped up proved this point:
This makes girls want to lose weight before trying on their bathers ever again and perhaps go on a safari to an island… not become a triathlete (especially if they are not skinny and pretty) Notice this Triathlete magazine is a Swimsuit edition…?!!?? Are little bikinis realistic for a triathlon? No.

Not self conscious about his body. He is actually competing and the magazine encourages men that they too can be an iron man and share the glory. 
   Media advertising is seen worldwide and leaves an impression on peoples’ minds, including companies who are looking for a worthy recipient to sponsor. The majority of sponsored athletes are men. Men are less self conscious about their body image in sports, as they are not expected to flaunt their bodies like women in uncomfortable clothes. An audience would prefer to view a male’s game of rugby than a women’s as it is a higher level of competition due to their greater physical strength. Generally, many of the audience would prefer to watch a female’s game of beach volleyball, purely because they are expected to wear quite skimpy bikinis (highly impractical!) The Matilda girl’s soccer team went to the extreme of doing a nude photo shoot to advertise their team and get attention and sponsors quickly.

From browsing through a wide range of sporting magazines, it was further confirmed that women are not appreciated by society for their skill in sport like men, but for their body and how attractive their outward appearance is. Almost every sports magazine displayed men in action on the front cover. Rare exceptions were women on the fronts of surfing, cheerleading, gymnastics and running magazines. 
She is pretty and skinny but is not even doing anything sporty… or wearing hardly anything either! As if you would play ball in that for comforts sake!


This is because of the way they are pressured and expected to dress when participating in these sports! Anorexia levels are rising as a result, and more and more young girls feel depressed because of the way they look and are too afraid to try in sports because society will not like the way they look. 

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