Thursday 17 November 2011


School Based Solution to Barriers:
A large part of Australian culture includes the coast and surfing. Young girls are not provided with many sporting womens role models due to poor media coverage. However, a few of the Aussie womens legends that young Australian girls love are surfers, such as Stephanie Gilmore and Layne Beachley. Layne Beachley has just mentored a young bunch of hopeful, future, Olympic triathletes. They loved and respected her for her sporting abilities and also positive attitude and encouragement. She said, “One of my strengths was my mental aptitude. You have to be conscious of the self-talk and the negative thoughts. You need to turn them around and catch them in time.

(Herald Sun Courier Mail November. Stannard. D, Former world surfing champion Layne Beachley mentors next crop of triathlon Olympics hopefuls. 10/2011 1:00am)

                                                       LAYNE BEACHLEY

Young girls in school undergo so much pressure and insecurity, as they feel like they have to look pretty and fit in with peers. They are very consious of their bodies and weight. Participating in a triathlon could be very humiliating and embarrasing for many school girls.
One possible solution to help girls overcome their insecurity could be to invite someone like Layne Beachley to come support schools in an all girls triathlon event. By gaining access to such role models, young girls will really listen and want to participate. The event would be advertised as a fun TRY-athlon. Young girls in a schooling community are often very social, and therefore would feel more confident and comfortable participating with friends. Therefore, it could possibly even be a team event. Girls could complete the triathlon in teams. This would create a more fun, friendly and less intmidating environment. Also, girls will feel less paranoid about the way they look, as no boys would be invited to view or be involved. Another way to decrease girls negative self esteem and increase participation in triathlons could be to have Layne Beachley (or another role model) wear and promote a fairly modest and practical swimsuit during the event. Hopefully young girls will follow their lead and wear more practical swimwear, as there are no guys in the event to impress. Then young girls who are self conscious about their body image will feel more comfortable to participate, as they are not the only ones without a skimpy bikini.

To many women who live by a tight working or mothering schedule, triathlons would be an embarrasment or waste of time. However, if an all womens triathlon was held to raise funds for a worthy cause such as breast or cervical cancer, there may be more keen participants. The atmosphere of the event would not be competitive, but enjoyable and full of satisfaction with the knowing that all funds raised help lives. This would create a fun opportunity for women of all ages and sizes to get fit and involved in triathlons.

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